IEEE, Institute Of Electrical And Electronics Engineers (IEEE, pronounced as Eye-Triple-E) is the 125 years old world’s largest technical society. The society is headquartered in New York dedicated to advancing technological innovation and excellence of humanity.

IEEE and its members inspire global community through its highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards and professional plus educational activities. Its student branches contribute a lot in developing an engineer student’s personality and technical skills. Every day, IEEE societies make a difference in the world and the lives of their members. Today, IEEE is serving more than 425,000 members who are geographically organized into 10 regions over 333 sections and 2,345 student branches that conduct and participate in its activities.

At the pre-college level, the IEEE works with industry, universities and government to raise student’s literacy in science, maths, engineering and technology. IEEE journals are consistently among the most named in electrical and electronics engineering, telecommunications and other technical fields. IEEE is a leading developer of international standards that underpin many of today’s telecommunications, information technology and power generation products and services. IEEE helps in discovering better career opportunities and gain a better understanding of the field.

IEEE USICT has come a long way since its inception. Providing a plethora of opportunities to its members, it has emerged as one of the most significant platforms for students to not only showcase their skills and satiate their appetite for technical events but also enthuse within themselves healthy competition and team spirit.

IEEE USICT family has grown from strength to strength in the past few years. Not only have we been able to make our presence felt in the technical fraternity in our region, but have also been making a significant and conscious effort to make contributions towards the society.

To let our members have a global scale technical experience, we encourage students to participate in various IEEE organized competitions like IEEEXtreme and meets like "All India Student Congress".

Be essential to the global technical community and to technical professionals everywhere, and be universally recognized for the contributions of technology and of technical professionals in improving global conditions.

Trusted Voice
Staying current with the fast-changing world of technology

a one-stop personalized Web portal providing IEEE members with convenient access to IEEE’s member benefits and account management™
Internet television offering exclusive programming about technology and engineering to IEEE members, and accessible from myIEEE
IEEE memberNet
an online search and networking tool that enables members to connect with technical and engineering experts worldwide
IEEE Spectrum
the IEEE flagship magazine, 12 monthly issues (print) and online, digital delivery
IEEE Xplore
table-of-content and abstract access to over 2 million documents
Microsoft® software
The IEEE, in conjunction with Microsoft, offers a wide selection of development software to IEEE Student members. All new IEEE Student members and those students that renew will qualify for free Microsoft software.

Global Community
Belong to the network and buying power of 382,000 members in 150 countries

IEEE Sections
network with others in the local member community and participate in local educational events
Technical Chapters
engage with others through informative technical meetings
Student Branches
opportunities to network with student members at universities and colleges
IEEE e-mail alias
with virus protection and spam filtering
ShopIEEE discounts
membership can pay for itself, with as much as 50% off IEEE products
IEEE Conference
registration discounts
opportunities that build leadership skills and networking opportunities

Empowering members to build and own their careers, and venues to give back to society

IEEE Job Site
locate career opportunities easily and confidentially
IEEE Mentoring Connection
available to members after graduation, this online tool matches young IEEE members seeking professional guidance and counseling with veteran IEEE members willing to share their knowledge and life experiences
Career Alert
a weekly e-mail newsletter containing career advice plus the job of the week from the IEEE Job Site
recognize the accomplishments of technologists and engineers worldwide
enhance your resume with an IEEE scholarship
Consultants Database
a service available for matching technical consultants with clients